The Sedro-Woolley Alumni and Schools Foundation awards multiple scholarships each year to deserving students who want to better themselves and their community.  Scholarships are funded from the plant and bake sale, the class picnic, donations/memorials and contributions from groups within the Sedro-Woolley Community.

2023 Scholarship Information:

If you are interested in applying, here’s what you need to know:

Deadline: February 20th, 2023
Application: Sedro-Woolley Community Scholarship Application

Delivery Instructions:

Other Scholarship Information:

Scholarship: Sedro-Woolley High School Class of 1971 Scholarship
Deadline: January 31st, 2023
Application: SWHS Class of 1971 Scholarship Application

Scholarship: Harrison Family Memorial CTE Scholarship
Deadline: March 1st, 2023
Application: Harrison Family Memorial CTE Scholarship

A partial list of scholarships that are awarded annually are listed below. More information about these scholarships can be found by clicking on the provided links.



The Jerry & Faye Ryan Science Endowment Fund

Retrieval Programs

In addition to scholarships, the Foundation has supported the efforts of the Sedro-Woolley High School Credit Retrieval Program, offered to students who need additional class credits for graduation. This is a self-funded opportunity for students offered through the American School Independent Study Program.

Promoting the District’s mission statement of “every student graduates….,”  students can submit a letter requesting financial support from the Foundation to help them reach their goal of obtaining a high school diploma.  Class fees range from $110 – $200, which is often a financial burden for students and families. The Foundation is proud to partner with Sedro-Woolley High School to help students successfully reach their graduation goal.